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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Geothermal Pleasure..... YUMMMMMM

I would love to be feeling excited at the moment but I have a crowd of loud Germans seated next to me.... HAHAHAHAH....HOHOHOHO............ I am not amused!
Today was divine.....all my wishes  fulfilled...........
From the moment I saw the heated clouds issuing from the plains......... I thought at first it was smoke. You can see it in the picture.
Of course, with my luck, I was walking towards the pools , from the bus, and suddenly was surrounded by hooting, singing crowds of school girls, filled with great joie de vivre, as all kids are.................. farewell peace!

Australians are a strange race.... it is rare to have whole groups of females in open showers...................... naked................ justvthought I would throw that one in so  that those who wear their modesty proudly will need to pack it off elsewhere , if you travel to Blue Lagoon in  Iceland.

I also paid for a massage.... in the pool......... I can hear you all groaning!!!!!!!

It was heaven.... Entering the pool was such a contrast from the cold air.... at this stage everyone is wearing bathers( phew, thought i ought to tell you, otherwise the images would be rather unpleasant!!!!!)
For an hour I floated around that pool, placing my feet amongst the soft whoite silica mud and squelched it between my toes................ I picked it up in my hands but it floated away to colour the water......... the closer you got to the vents, where the boiling water came out, the higher the temperature became. It was impossible to stand in some parts.The sides of the rocks were white, coloured by the silca over millenium. Hydrogen Sulphide smells issued forth... I had wondered what the smell assocaited with the water was..... all water on the island smells of sulfur( for obvious reasons)..........
There are huge buckets of this white mud so that you can exfoliate your imperfect self and become invigorated  by having new and better skin.............. So in I went. Painted the face, covered the top part of my body... lovey sight. When I went to rinse it off, of course I heaved  heap of the mud into my eye............ and silica is silica be it in mud or whatever............. sore sore eyes.
The the massage............. this is for the girls!!!! Goodbye boys!

Strekken( probably spelt Schztreckkern) was my masseur.... in the pool.. I lay on a floating mat and was covered by a wet material that kept me warm throughout the process. Strekken, girls, was 6'4'', dark hair, enigmatic Icelandic smile, and deep voice... strong hands...............
If you can imagine floating in a substance more dense than ordinary water, fuelled by the mineralisation from the springs, encompassed by warm warm water and being massaged.................. I nearly fell asleep but am aware that this look is not one of my best so I fought sleep and just relaxed and relaxed and relaxed...........then time was up..............
It was a deeply pleasurable experience.......

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